About Us & Our Studio


BUBEE is a jewelry studio founded in 2019. BUBEE STUDIO draws inspirations from nature, ancient objects and the beautiful fragments of our mundane life. We try to capture the poetry from our daily life and turn them into something that people would want to wear, cherish and maybe pass it to their children. That’s why we make jewelry. 

The inspiration of the name of BUBEE STUDIO is quite naive and childish. We love the animation Adventure Time. We love how it can be so childish and poetry in the same time and that’s exactly the vibe we try to bring to our customers. We love the theme of the Adventure Time, the “Island Song”, “Come along with me, and the butterflies and bees. “, it sings. Butterflies and bees, they are the two words we took to make BUBEE STUDIO.

Pin lives in the middle of Taiwan, a county with plenty of mountains. She likes to observe the plants grow and animals chasing each others happily in natural. My daily life is creating new pieces of jewelry and new forms. Each and every pieces we offered has been shaped by my hands.


We work slow but we work hard, BUBEE is a one person studio. Each piece is made to order. We do not take any product in stock, which means less waste and avoid accumulating unnecessary stock. As each piece is made on request, product requires 14-28 working days.

We don’t outsource our products, all works are born in our studio.


BUBEE名字的由來是很天真、很孩子氣的,當時看著動畫Adventure Time 時深深受到啟發,如此孩子氣的同時又存在著詩意。
我們很喜歡動畫的片尾曲“Island Song”中的一段歌詞“Come a long with me, and butterflies and bees”其中的蜜蜂蝴蝶正是我們命名BUBEE的由來。
