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Kukka Ring 花戒指

Regular price
NT$ 2,880.00
Sale price
NT$ 2,880.00
Regular price
NT$ 0.00
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‧ 材質:925純銀
‧ 尺寸:12mm x 12mm
‧ 商品為純銀,單一尺寸。

‧ Material: Sterling Silver
‧ Dimensions: 12mmx 12mm
‧Available in silver. only one size.


Available in silver, only one size, an open ring band. Can be slightly adjustable due to opening.

░ 商品照皆為現有成品拍攝,因每台裝置得不同,顏色會有些許落差,商品皆以實品為主。
░ BUBEE studio 是一間個人工作室,任何訊息我們會盡快回復,麻煩耐心等候。

░ 我們建議您避免將飾品直接碰觸水、酒精、香水以及乳液。
░ 沒有配戴時,為避免接觸空氣氧化泛黃,將飾品分開裝魚夾鏈袋,或是我們附贈的束口袋內保存,既可以避免氧化也避免相互摩擦造成的刮痕。
░ 銀飾的氧化及耗損程度會因個人的工作、生活習慣以及流汗的多寡有所差異,也會因為款式,氧化程度會略為不同。 若選擇的款式較立體,凹陷處氧化變黑屬正常現象。

░ Avoid jewelry direct contact water, lotion, perfume, and alcohol.
░ It is normal for metal to oxidize (or change color) with time and exposure to the elements, but polish with a jewelry polishing cloth can expedite this process.
░ Save the jewelry separately inside it's original cloth bag or zipper bag when you aren't wearing them, to avoid scratches.

░ 所有商品為接單訂製,手工製作,商品製作時間約為 7-14 個工作日(不含假日)。

░ Every product is made to order, product requires 7-14 working days.